

在繁华喧嚣的都市中,微幸乳业以“微薄”的力量,致力为您带来“幸福”的味道。我们不仅仅是乳制品的提供者,更是大自然的搬运工,致力于将纯净的自然恩赐带到您的身边。 “将大自然搬到大城市”,不仅仅是一句简单的承诺,它代表着我们对品质的不懈追求和对健康的深刻理解。微幸乳业,精选优质奶源,采用先进的生产工艺,确保每一滴羊奶都蕴含着大自然的纯净与新鲜。 在微幸,我们相信,即使是最微小的一滴羊奶,也能带来满满的幸福感。我们用心呵护每一头高山山羊,让它们在最自然的环境中成长,享受阳光和清新的空气,这样产出的羊奶,不仅营养丰富,更是幸福的味道。 选择微幸,就是选择一种健康、自然、幸福的生活方式。让我们一起,将大自然的馈赠,融入到忙碌的都市生活中,让幸福的味道,成为您日常生活的一部分。微幸乳业,与您一起,享受每一刻的幸福时光。

In the bustling city, WeiXing Dairy uses its "modest" strength to commit to bringing you the taste of "happiness." We are not just providers of dairy products; we are also porters of nature, dedicated to bringing the pure gifts of nature to your side. "Bringing nature to the big city" is not just a simple promise; it represents our relentless pursuit of quality and a profound understanding of health. WeiXing Dairy carefully selects high-quality milk sources and uses advanced production techniques to ensure that every drop of sheep milk contains the purity and freshness of nature. At WeiXing, we believe that even the smallest drop of sheep milk can bring a full sense of happiness. We care for every mountain goat with heart, allowing them to grow in the most natural environment, enjoying sunshine and fresh air. The sheep milk produced in this way is not only rich in nutrients but also tastes like happiness. Choosing WeiXing is choosing a healthy, natural, and happy lifestyle. Let's integrate the gifts of nature into the busy urban life together, making the taste of happiness a part of your daily life. WeiXing Dairy is with you to enjoy every happy moment.




Tel:177 0847 5407