

莱达林是做西餐牛排品类的企业,我们要通过一个营销符号建立起消费者对莱达林的品类认知。不思而得,我们找到了“牛排砧板”的符号,“牛排砧板”能够让人快速联想到“西餐、”“厨房”、“牛排”、“烹调”等关联的生活场景。 商品即信息,包装即媒介。每一个包装都是品牌免费的广告位,所以一个好的包装设计,胜过上百万的广告费。在销售终端,几十个品牌在同一货架上抢夺消费者的注意力,包装设计其实就是让包装在货架上获得陈列优势,强化营销符号就是强化品牌。通过对购买理由的设计,把产品优势卖点和背书做到极致化设计。 我们要让包装自己能推销自己,让消费者一眼就看到我们的产品,也要要让消费者拿起产品,找到购买理由,并在几秒之内打动他,最终实现下单! 由此,我们基本完成对莱达林品牌包装设计的重新规划,建立起莱达林全新的品牌资产设计,让莱达林的品牌从无到有。

Ledarin is a company that specializes in Western-style steak products. We want to establish consumer awareness of Ledarin's product category through a marketing symbol. Without much thought, we found the symbol of the "steak cutting board," which can quickly bring to mind related life scenes such as "Western-style cuisine," "kitchen," "steak," and "cooking." A product is information, and packaging is the medium. Every package is a brand's free advertising space, so good packaging design is worth more than millions in advertising fees. At the point of sale, dozens of brands compete for consumers' attention on the same shelf. Packaging design is actually about giving packaging display advantages on the shelf and strengthening the marketing symbol is the key to strengthening the brand. By designing purchasing reasons, we can maximize the design of product advantages, selling points, and endorsements. We want the packaging to sell itself, so that consumers see our product at a glance, find a reason to purchase it, and be moved within seconds to ultimately place an order! Thus, we have completed the re-planning of Ledarin's brand packaging design, established a new brand asset design for Ledarin, and allowed Ledarin's brand to go from nonexistent to present.

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