

有些事情就是应该要慢慢来,一急,就失去意义。比如养成一个习惯,比如品茶品酒。 习惯养成你不可能一天做一个月的量然后休息29天,好茶好酒你也不能拿起来就“我干了,你随意!”,然后来个一口闷。而品味阅历藤茶这个事儿,也不适合在一天的时间来喝个饱腹。 你可以这样来品味它,在每一天开始或结束的时候,打开阅历藤茶,取一盒,煮壶水,开始在茶水之间徜徉……   阅尽了世间繁华,发现还是不如茶汤情长 那时候总想走出去,想翻过这座山,淌过那条河。 可这山、这水,才是最原来的味道。 没有人问你要几分熟的牛排,没有红酒咖啡, 这一杯张家界的长寿藤茶,问你吃不吃?   阅尽沉浮,每日一席藤茶涤荡生活, 将波澜起伏的岁月,喝到水静无波; 将浑浊纷纭的世象,喝到澄澈清朗。

Some things are meant to be done slowly; rushing them makes them lose their meaning. This is true for forming a habit, and also for appreciating tea and wine. You can't form a habit by doing a month's worth in one day and then taking a break for 29 days. Similarly, you can't just pick up a good tea or wine and say, "I'll finish it, you do as you please!" and then down it in one gulp. Appreciating the experience of drinking Lianmu (藤茶, a type of Chinese tea) also isn't something that should be rushed in a single day to satiation. You can savor it like this: at the beginning or end of each day, open the box of Lianmu tea, take out a portion, boil some water, and start to wander between the tea and the water...

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