

在与湖南森霖堂医药的合作中,和客户讨论最多的就是用户识别。识别,是一个非常抽象的概念,“有效识别”与“无效识别”之间存在着怎样的界限,该如何向用户传达?在对森霖堂品牌内容进行梳理的过程中,我们发现了一个具有独特价值且识别度极高的标识物——葫芦。“葫芦”,既可以作为对“健康”的隐形注解,又可以作为对品牌的醒目识别,且这种大块面色彩标识的应用方式,很好地传达了森霖堂的品牌主张—— 健康、养生,来自东方的食补生活方式。

In the cooperation with Hunan Senlintang Medicine, the most discussed topic with clients is user identification. Identification is a very abstract concept. What are the boundaries between "effective identification" and "ineffective identification," and how should they be conveyed to users? In the process of sorting out the content of Senlintang's brand, we discovered a unique and highly recognizable symbol - the gourd. The "gourd" can be used as an implicit annotation for "health" and as a prominent identifier for the brand. Moreover, the application of this large color block symbol effectively conveys Senlintang's brand proposition - health and nourishment, derived from the oriental dietary supplement lifestyle.